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September, 2019 | Fuller & Ahern, P.C.


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Can I make a liability claim after an injury near a warning sign?

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Sep 30, 2019 | Premises Liability

Warning signs are commonly put in place on public or private premises to alert visitors of a possible health and safety risk. They may be placed outside of construction sites or when temporary hazards like wet floors are present. If you were injured on a private or...

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Warning signs are commonly put in place on public or private premises to alert visitors of a possible health and safety risk. They may be placed outside of construction sites or when temporary hazards like wet floors are present. If you were injured on a private or...

Understanding the car accident settlement process in Colorado

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Sep 19, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

All states differ when it comes to reporting car accidents and going through the process of settling the damages. In Colorado, you will have the responsibility to report a car accident to the police when it results in any injuries or damages to property. If the other...

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All states differ when it comes to reporting car accidents and going through the process of settling the damages. In Colorado, you will have the responsibility to report a car accident to the police when it results in any injuries or damages to property. If the other...

What factors determine whether you will get spousal support?

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Sep 7, 2019 | Family Law, Uncategorized

Divorce is a financially complex process. If you are facing the prospect of ending your marriage and heading out on your own, you probably have serious concerns about your financial future. If you did not work or you earned significantly less than your spouse, you may...

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Divorce is a financially complex process. If you are facing the prospect of ending your marriage and heading out on your own, you probably have serious concerns about your financial future. If you did not work or you earned significantly less than your spouse, you may...

Understanding the legal definition of sexual assault

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Sep 5, 2019 | Victims Of Sexual Harassment And Assault

Sexual assault is a criminal act that consists of a violation of another person's rights by forced sexual contact. If you believe that you are a victim of sexual assault, you may want to learn more about how sexual assault is defined in a legal context before taking...

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Sexual assault is a criminal act that consists of a violation of another person's rights by forced sexual contact. If you believe that you are a victim of sexual assault, you may want to learn more about how sexual assault is defined in a legal context before taking...

Divorce after 50 can cause financial hardship

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Sep 4, 2019 | Family Law, Uncategorized

Divorce can take a heavy financial toll on you. But new research finds that the toll is especially hard if you are over 50. Couples going through “gray divorce” often find themselves at more risk of poverty than couples who stay together, get divorced...

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Divorce can take a heavy financial toll on you. But new research finds that the toll is especially hard if you are over 50. Couples going through “gray divorce” often find themselves at more risk of poverty than couples who stay together, get divorced...