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Which age drivers pose the biggest threat?


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People often moan about teenage drivers being dangerous. While they are the most likely age group to crash, drivers do not suddenly become safe when they turn 20.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety published a report that breaks down crash risk by age group. It looked at the number of crashes per 100 million miles driven for each age bracket.

Those most at risk were 16- to 19-year-olds with 1,432 crashes, followed by 18- to 19-year-olds with 730 crashes.

Figures for those in their 20s were in the 500s, dropping to the 300s for anyone in their 30s, 40s or 50s.  It dropped further to 241 for those in their 60s, before climbing to 301 for people in their 70s and 432 for the over 80s.

What is the difference between a teenage driver and one in their 80s?

While someone might decide to learn to drive in their 70s or 80s, most people do it when they are much younger. So, if a teenager crashes into you, their inexperience is likely to be a major factor. If an older adult causes the collision, it is more likely to be poor vision or slow reactions to blame.

Drivers with kids in the car may well have crashed because they were distracted by the kids. While people of all ages can transport children, it is more likely to apply to those in their 20s and 30s as that is when most people become parents.

If a driver injures you, understanding more about how age can affect driving can help you find the root cause of the crash and get the compensation you need.

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