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Have you suffered an orbital fracture during a collision?


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During a traffic collision, your body could suffer numerous injuries. Some of the more common types of injuries occur in the head and facial areas.

Your orbital bones are where your eyes are located. A fracture to this area can be severely painful and can also cause your vision to become impaired. Let’s look at some serious orbital injuries.

Orbital floor fractures

Trauma to the face can result in the structure that holds your eye in place being pushed back or downward. This type of fracture is commonly referred to as a floor fracture.

If you hit your facial area against the steering wheel or a heavy object comes into contact with your eye, then it’s possible to suffer this type of injury. Your vision may be impacted and it could take several months as well as multiple surgeries to recover. In the most severe cases, damage to your eyes may be permanent.

Blowout injuries

Fractures to the inner wall of the eye socket are often referred to as blowout fractures. When the bones in these areas are broken, they have the potential to pinch nerves, muscles and tissues that are fundamental to the proper movement of the eye. Again, this type of injury is commonly suffered after head and facial trauma, and an injury like this can put you out of action for several months.

Rim fractures

If you place your fingers just below your eyebrow area, you’ll feel a solid rim that forms part of your orbital bone. This area is extremely sturdy, so it can take tremendous force to fracture it. The impact of a road traffic collision is often enough to cause an orbital rim fracture. This type of injury is common in car crashes, and it can be severely painful for those on the receiving end.

If your orbital injury has been caused by negligence or careless driving, you may be able to hold the offending party to account. Having experienced legal guidance can help you assess your options in further detail.

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