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Hefty allegations filed after police say man barricaded in home


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Colorado police and a local family are at odds concerning an event that took place in the early hours of the morning. A 30-year-old man is currently in custody on allegations of drug possession, refusing to leave a property after police requested that he do so, and other charges. Three children were also removed from the home.

Officers responded to a call from neighbors that claimed they heard an angry male voice and dogs barking just prior to a gun being discharged. When they arrived on scene, officers said that the man, a 32-year-old woman and three children were inside the home and refused to leave. The man was also apparently witnessed pacing around the home. Officers also believed that they saw two different firearms in a bedroom, presumably through a window. Ultimately, the adult man was tased and taken into police custody about two hours after arriving on scene.

The adult woman in the house disagreed with the police’s perception of events, insisting that the defendant had fired off a pellet gun and not a firearm. She further claimed that this was because they had heard a noise in their attic, which came after multiple possible break-ins on their property. Police had apparently even been called to the home before to investigate the possibility of a person hiding inside of their attic, but the family claimed that authorities did not even take the time to conduct a search of the area.

It can be especially distressing for defendants when police allegations differ greatly from their own accounts of what transpired. Still, this does not indicate that a defendant has no chance of successfully arguing his or her point of view. Each and every person facing criminal charges in Colorado has the right to his or her innocence and rights under the law during criminal investigations and trial court proceedings.

Source:, “Man arrested on multiple charges after shots fired at home“, Sarah Matott, June 7, 2016

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