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Police arrest mother, unnamed woman in response to viral video


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Viral videos often spread like wildfire across social media networks for their humorous content, but a recent viral sensation had quite the opposite effect on viewers. An arrest quickly followed the video that allegedly depicted abuse against a 3-year-old child. A short while later, the woman who recorded the video was also arrested.

Colorado police claim that the video depicted the toddler’s mother using foul language and threatening violence against the child. Although it is not entirely clear what sparked the reaction, it is believed that an electronic charger might have been lost just prior to the incident. The toddler was apparently crying in the video, which lasted approximately 16 minutes and was originally posted on the popular video sharing website YouTube.

The second arrest involved an unrelated woman who was also living at the home with her teenage son. Currently behind bars on $6,000 bail, she claims that she witnessed physical violence between the mother and toddler on multiple occasions. Fears for her own safety and that of her disabled son were some of the reasons she cited as failing to go to authorities.

The toddler’s father has begun the process to obtain custody following the mother’s arrest, although the young boy is currently in protective custody of the state. Colorado takes child abuse allegations quite seriously, and parents face more than just the typical consequences of fines and jail time. With the possibility of losing custody of a child a serious reality in these circumstances, taking the time to review all charges and craft thorough defense strategy can be an invaluable move.

Source:, “Colorado Mother Arrested After Video Allegedly Showing Toddler Abuse Goes Viral“, Tracy Bloom, May 19, 2016

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