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Can I get compensation for emotional suffering after an accident?


(720) 712-2972

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If you have been involved in a car accident in Colorado, it is likely that the physical damages that you have suffered is only the tip of the iceberg regarding the ways the accident has affected your life. Physical injuries can lead to extensive medical bills, lost wages, a loss of freedom and an inability to care for your children.

Essentially, the results of a car accident can negatively affect every aspect of your life, and as a result it is unfortunately common for car accident victims to suffer from mental health issues following a wreck. While getting financial compensation will not solve all of your problems, it can go a long way toward relieving the burden. This compensation can help you continue to provide for your family and access certain services that may help you recover.

How can I claim compensation for mental suffering?

Under Colorado law, it is possible to make a compensation claim for the pain and suffering that you experienced as a result of your car accident. You can make a case that outlines the way that the accident affected your mental health and your general outlook on the world, as well as your daily life.

How can financial compensation help me heal?

Receiving compensation can allow you to pay a caregiver to help with childcare while you recuperate and attend doctors’ appointments and during counseling and therapy.

It is important to take action to get the compensation that you deserve after a car accident. Failing to act quickly can cause the case to proscribe, leaving you without recourse to pursue financial recovery.

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