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March, 2022 | Fuller & Ahern, P.C.


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What to do when someone tells you they were sexually assaulted

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Mar 25, 2022 | Victims Of Sexual Harassment And Assault

Talking about sexual assault isn’t easy for most victims to do – but it’s usually a necessary part of the healing process. It’s also required if the victim hopes to hold their abuser or rapist accountable. Nearly one out of every five women in the United States will...

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Talking about sexual assault isn’t easy for most victims to do – but it’s usually a necessary part of the healing process. It’s also required if the victim hopes to hold their abuser or rapist accountable. Nearly one out of every five women in the United States will...

How do slip-and-fall accidents happen?

On Behalf of Fuller & Ahern, P.C. | Mar 11, 2022 | Premises Liability

In most instances, slip, trip and fall incidents end with nothing more than an embarrassing chuckle and dust on the pants. However, it is not uncommon for a slip, trip and fall incident to result in a life-altering injury. If you are hurt in a slip, trip and fall...

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In most instances, slip, trip and fall incidents end with nothing more than an embarrassing chuckle and dust on the pants. However, it is not uncommon for a slip, trip and fall incident to result in a life-altering injury. If you are hurt in a slip, trip and fall...